Last week, May 15, 2008, a Thursday morning, I cast my hands to sway goodbye to Cebu onwards to a province called Bohol.

I woke up early, about 4:00 am and have had my bath and gone to the port where the ship to Bohol was anchored. There was about 8 persons already waiting in the ticket booth when I arrived, I came early because I was worried that their might be lots of passengers during that day considering the fact that lots of fiestas are to be held in the place of my destination. I was the first passenger to be given the ticket and that was because, of course, I was too early. As I got my ticket, I rushed to the waiting bay, where all my things are to be inspected by the security, after that, I boarded the boat onto the room where I was assigned to be in as per dictated by what was on my ticket.
Before the vessel started its machines, heavy rain poured out from the skies of Cebu, and I thought to myself that the storm was really strong. When the vessel started to stir its pedal towards Bohol, worried thoughts rumbled in my mind. Waves were very visible in the seas, they were colored in white when they clash with each other, and damn, it makes me think of the unthinkable. We encountered a big ship along our journey towards Bohol, and I thought that ship was somewhere from the northern part of the Philippines. The ship was so huge and started making great waves as our ship was getting closer to each other. Our ship was like in a jumping jack as both ships pass each other. The passenger from the other ship was waving to us like they were saying good luck as we encounter a storm in middle of the oceans.
There was a storm that hit the country before I journeyed my way to Bohol and despite that, I still pursued to be there. I checked the weather forecast the day before my travel, and I saw that the weather won’t be good in the Visayas particularly in Cebu. I was somehow disappointed as I was looking at the forecast thinking that I may not be able to travel the next day. But, I made up my mind and decided to push through regardless of the weather condition that I was about to face.
It has been nearly four straight years that I haven’t visited my province since I was too busy at school and work, two years each respectively and that is one of the many reasons why I really wanted to go to Bohol. I miss my room, I miss my cousins, I miss the silence, and there are just lots of things to miss in my place in Bohol.
The clouds are colored in gray and the sea waters started to color itself the same too as the sky was reflected in the oceans. I can tell that we are now in deep waters as I can’t see any land to where we are right now, only those seemingly unclear mountains up within those distant places.
The vessel was like a car that is tracking in a very rocky road in the mountains. My head pounds from left to right - though it’s not that hard as I can still hold my laptop and try to make this article hoping I could cheat the dizziness I feel within my head, hoping that somehow all these waves could finally end, hoping I can reach my destination safe and sound with this article to be posted the next week.

Our vessel will continue to journey the ocean for the next two hours and thirty minutes and I can’t wait for that to end. We haven’t even reached forty five minutes in our ride and hopefully I’m going off more than that.
Can’t wait to set my footstep in the land of Bohol and so I say – Bohol! Here I come!