
May 21, 2008

The Coming!

Last week, May 15, 2008, a Thursday morning, I cast my hands to sway goodbye to Cebu onwards to a province called Bohol.

I woke up early, about 4:00 am and have had my bath and gone to the port where the ship to Bohol was anchored. There was about 8 persons already waiting in the ticket booth when I arrived, I came early because I was worried that their might be lots of passengers during that day considering the fact that lots of fiestas are to be held in the place of my destination. I was the first passenger to be given the ticket and that was because, of course, I was too early. As I got my ticket, I rushed to the waiting bay, where all my things are to be inspected by the security, after that, I boarded the boat onto the room where I was assigned to be in as per dictated by what was on my ticket.

Before the vessel started its machines, heavy rain poured out from the skies of Cebu, and I thought to myself that the storm was really strong. When the vessel started to stir its pedal towards Bohol, worried thoughts rumbled in my mind. Waves were very visible in the seas, they were colored in white when they clash with each other, and damn, it makes me think of the unthinkable. We encountered a big ship along our journey towards Bohol, and I thought that ship was somewhere from the northern part of the Philippines. The ship was so huge and started making great waves as our ship was getting closer to each other. Our ship was like in a jumping jack as both ships pass each other. The passenger from the other ship was waving to us like they were saying good luck as we encounter a storm in middle of the oceans.

There was a storm that hit the country before I journeyed my way to Bohol and despite that, I still pursued to be there. I checked the weather forecast the day before my travel, and I saw that the weather won’t be good in the Visayas particularly in Cebu. I was somehow disappointed as I was looking at the forecast thinking that I may not be able to travel the next day. But, I made up my mind and decided to push through regardless of the weather condition that I was about to face.

It has been nearly four straight years that I haven’t visited my province since I was too busy at school and work, two years each respectively and that is one of the many reasons why I really wanted to go to Bohol. I miss my room, I miss my cousins, I miss the silence, and there are just lots of things to miss in my place in Bohol.

The clouds are colored in gray and the sea waters started to color itself the same too as the sky was reflected in the oceans. I can tell that we are now in deep waters as I can’t see any land to where we are right now, only those seemingly unclear mountains up within those distant places.

The vessel was like a car that is tracking in a very rocky road in the mountains. My head pounds from left to right - though it’s not that hard as I can still hold my laptop and try to make this article hoping I could cheat the dizziness I feel within my head, hoping that somehow all these waves could finally end, hoping I can reach my destination safe and sound with this article to be posted the next week.

Our vessel will continue to journey the ocean for the next two hours and thirty minutes and I can’t wait for that to end. We haven’t even reached forty five minutes in our ride and hopefully I’m going off more than that.

Can’t wait to set my footstep in the land of Bohol and so I say – Bohol! Here I come!

May 15, 2008


Dog's are known for being friendly and man's best friend. You can train them to be friendly and helpful. You can also train them to be entertaining like teaching them some sort of different tricks.

In other cases some dogs are highly trained as K9 dogs the one we see with a police officer. Some of then can sniff bomb locations if a bomb threat on an area can happen. They can also determine if a person is carrying a gun or a drug with it.

But what amazes me on this creatures is that some of them are professionally trained to save lives. Just like deploying them on a collapsed building to locate buried survivors. Did you know that some of them are also trained to determine current diseases of a person. Just then i saw this show on T.V. that dogs are sniffing on patients to know if what person has this particular sickness for instance a dog can sniff and know that a patient has tuberculosis. Studies shows that if a person has tuberculosis it's body releases a different kind of smelly aura by which dogs can know because of there smelling ability.

Another is that dog can actually know that a certain woman is having her monthly period. Again by sniffing on her it's because of the odor that the female releases. Isn't it amazing how this pet are acting and trained now a days more and more of them are still trained to help doctor's and scientist to help save lives. Some of them are assigned for other kinds of illness.

But most of us tend to have this pet one common good reason is that we love to have them around. They guard our homes and releases our stress. So the next time a dog barks at you after it sniffed you thing again, it might be trying to remind you of something.

May 10, 2008

A Stained Identity

I have always been longing to write something about someone. Someone who we often see, someone who we often neglects, someone who has huge place to chill around, someone who we nodded our heads to, someone infamous, someone who we choose to term as – Taong Grasa!

Their bodies are toiled with dirt and stains of all kinds. Their hairs are crumpled together by sands as they sleep within dirty grounds. Their faces are painted by black mascara of unclean survival. Their eyes are almost blotted out and colored in red as they look at something and somehow an ironic sign of hope can be traced within their glances, hoping that maybe someday someone will understand them – the way they understand their worlds.

Not one day during my college schooldays that I haven’t seen these individuals. They wander the streets like as if it was their own backyard. They treat the streets like their home, thus, they sleep everywhere; the sidewalks, the alleys, the whole city. I saw them here, I saw them there, and I saw them almost everywhere. They are just very noticeable. Somehow in a way because they are dirty, maybe because they smile by themselves, or maybe because they act like they own the streets. There are just as many maybes as there are reasons for them to be that way.

I wonder what the government is doing regarding this matter! I believe that they too need some attention and care as much as we normal people do, and somehow it makes me think that maybe the society is making them that way. Ironic as it is, but that’s how I think it is working. You might want to question how I come to think about it. Well, let me give you a little clue.

When we were a child, all of us somehow felt neglected and alone once in a while. Even up to this very moment it still happens. Now, I will ask you. How would you feel if you approach someone for some reasons and you’ll end up to be neglected and thrown away as if they were avoiding you to get close to them like as if you have some kind of viral disease that can infect them, how would you feel? I guess you won’t feel that good. Imagine how would these individuals feel when almost everyone – if not all – would avoid and neglect them every time they come close. How would you feel if you ask for something to eat because you’re hungry and it won’t be given to you? Can you imagine how these individuals feel when their stomachs ask for something and couldn’t eat anything? Darn, I don’t even want to imagine that.

It’s hard to decide for us ordinary people on what to do to solve this case. I am undeniably accused to what I have written in here and I have no intention on evading that fact. What I want to push through is that the concerned government and non-government organization should do now the proper actions that would profit us in the long run as citizens of this city. I don’t know how, who or when, but I do really hope, that by this article, somehow it could reach them the true face of our society.

May 7, 2008

3rd Gender

Generally people are aware of the gender and the sexes that we have and that's the male and female. It's easy to determine from a male through a female by physicality by which we compare on them.

But i have heard about his issue on T.V. that some countries around the world are practicing and supporting organ transplant. One common patients are homosexuals or gays. First they want a silicon breast to be added on their male body so that they will look like a real woman. And now they are taking actions on adding or replacing their penis into a vagina.

For me i'm againt's that action because if ever a person can accidentally marry a gay by which he thinks that it's a woman. It's all useless and going to the point of no were. They will be disappointed and upset especially for the male side. Expecting that his partner is a woman and can bare a child when he wants to create a family.

But with due respect to some gays theres nothing we can do to force them on not to go on that surgery. At the first place it's their own body and they own it personally and not ours. They have all the rights on it.

What was i thinking is that if you compare a naked woman from a naked gay who has the same physical appearance. Some are doing it because they want to attract some people and attention. But its really up to them to earn respect so that they will be socially accepted by others.

May 3, 2008

Sunday Morning

The article took place on an early morning on a Sunday. I went to church early because I have an affair to attend to during the afternoon that would end up until the evening. It was a same usual day inside the church, the priest celebrating the mass and we, the people, celebrates with him.

As we were singing the church songs during the mass, I noticed these birds on the ceiling of the church. They were in many numbers, about eight to ten of them. As the song continues to play, I noticed that they were also sounding there “birdie sounds”, the tweet-tweet and the toots as the song were playing. I was thinking that maybe they are singing too. I was wondering too if they are singing with the same tune that we were also singing as the mass was going on.

I was really amazed and fantasized with what I was thinking about then. I was so amazed thinking that even birds do worship God and do the church day during a Sunday. I somehow smiled and said to myself; even little birds can do some sacrifices then I think we, as humans, can do it too.

There are certain things in life that are very amazing and interesting in its simple ways. Just like how the birds sang with their sounds, like the humming of the wind as it blows the fields, and how the great sun colors our mother earth with its rays of light.

Our Great Provider is really an awesome one indeed for giving us these simple wonders that keeps us amazed for the rest of our lives. The Provider I was pertaining to doesn’t matter which God it is that we believed that built it all, but one things for sure, the World was a great and awesome work of art.

We live in the same rounded earth. We must cherish and be thankful for it and make the most out of it to make more livable for the next generations and hundred years to come. We may be not around by then, but at least we contributed something to make our stay a worth while.

No matter what God we worship; may it be Allah, Jesus, or the Buddha, or even Zeus, whether we have all those saints or not, or Goddesses, whether its on a Church, or a Mosque, or whichever altar, it is very clear, that we all, have one thing in common as believers to these Gods, and that is we all want to be saved!

That’s life! Live it.