
August 14, 2009

Another step onwards

I have decided to create a new look for this blogsite of mine. I slowly changed every part of the blog and I'm sorry for this slight inconvenience. I assure you that it will look better than the previous layout, though not that great leap(hehe).

I envision to site to look more lively and sleek and I hope that you all would bare with me in this journey of mine in dressing a new look for this blog.

Hopefully I can finish the entire site within this month. After this has been changed I will update the template every now and then, but by then it wouldn't take as long as this update to take place.

Thank you for your continued support and readership.


  1. hehhe maau kageron..hehehe
    like your blog kageron.heheh

  2. It an impressive site though i was not able to see your previous template..
    It's obviously be part of one of the most popular blogs. I am a blogger too my blog title is In My Journey
