
September 4, 2008

Instant sorrow

As the flash of sun rays hits my face that woke me up. Its seems its already morning I see the sky its so clear and blue. Its one of those times were i feel alone inside even when there are people around me. So I guess its you again on my mind last night I try keep understanding things like this and that. But I guess your just another mystery. But lately things have been complex and dry theres nothing simple when your gone. Is there no way of escaping reality and time? because I haven't figured it out.

I wanna spend my time with you in an open green field were in we can run and fall lying in the grass watching formations of the clouds. catch butterflies and dragonflies that captivates our eyes. Pointing fish in the ponds while they hide in the water lilies as we raise our both hands as the winds passes our body. We scream making echoes and sounds. Carve our names on the tree that we always meet. Catch fish on river banks play hide and seek and when you will see me i over you a flower.

And in the night we will watch fireflies as i kiss you goodnight. As truth is coming again . I'll try working again on how to cure my self tomorrow find things that will end the torment inside.I wanna know if our togetherness was just an immersion. And wake up wondering what happened yesterday if ill say did it happened? I wish it did.


  1. just move on my dear

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  4. evrything happens for a reason...think positive !:)
