
May 7, 2008

3rd Gender

Generally people are aware of the gender and the sexes that we have and that's the male and female. It's easy to determine from a male through a female by physicality by which we compare on them.

But i have heard about his issue on T.V. that some countries around the world are practicing and supporting organ transplant. One common patients are homosexuals or gays. First they want a silicon breast to be added on their male body so that they will look like a real woman. And now they are taking actions on adding or replacing their penis into a vagina.

For me i'm againt's that action because if ever a person can accidentally marry a gay by which he thinks that it's a woman. It's all useless and going to the point of no were. They will be disappointed and upset especially for the male side. Expecting that his partner is a woman and can bare a child when he wants to create a family.

But with due respect to some gays theres nothing we can do to force them on not to go on that surgery. At the first place it's their own body and they own it personally and not ours. They have all the rights on it.

What was i thinking is that if you compare a naked woman from a naked gay who has the same physical appearance. Some are doing it because they want to attract some people and attention. But its really up to them to earn respect so that they will be socially accepted by others.

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