
August 11, 2009

Something Within

Maybe it’s better to pretend to not hear anything about those promises made up in the stage of crowded individuals. Thus, we may not be dumbfounded to know that those promises were only just for show. “I will do this, I will do that”, that’s what they always say but I doubt if that’s what they always do. We are just a society too soaked on broken promises that we find it hard to believe in yet another promises made on stage. I wonder how they differentiate making a promise to someone and making promises to everyone. LIAR.

Sometimes it’s best to act as if you didn’t see a thing that you may have a peace of mind. We often see how they rob us in front of our very eyes, but we choose to be blind thinking that they are capable of doing something unwanted the moment we take a move on what we saw. Wrapped by fear, we saw nothing. CORRUPT.

It’s better for them not to say anything at all if they will just make a fool out of us. They play with our dreams and deceive our beliefs. They have these playful heart-warming words of uncertain truthfulness that breaks the difference between reality and natural fantasy. We utter words and they might just fall in deaf ears and in return gives us nothing but a devious smile. DECEITFUL.

Not to act would be our biggest mistake, nonetheless, you decide. FREEDOM.


  1. wow!! i admire the way you express your thoughts, so mature, so full of sense...

    got a really nice blog here gaw!

    keep it up. :)

  2. thanks gaw..hehe..keep coming here..

  3. i was amaze by your thoughts...keep it up..:)
