
October 29, 2009

Accept it! Math is difficult!

Over the years, in my former college life, I always bump to Math problems and to be honest, it wasn’t that comfortable having those kind of situations. You get to play with numbers instead of toys. Though, I always tell myself that in every math problems there will always be math answers, may it be math word problems or math numerical problems I am rest assured that I will always have a corresponding answer to those.

Algebra 2 was one of my worst nightmares during college. All these equations and solution, darn! It’s giving me headaches. Then one of my superior in work advised me to seek for Algebra help, and so I did.

I sat down in my computer at the office and searched over the net for any Algebra 2 help. Luckily, I found lots of them. There were lots that there was even algebra word problems presented and I thought it was way harder than what I was looking for and so I decided to skip it. I browsed as many pages as I can and studied somehow. I tried solving sample equations over the tutorials, some I got right, and some I end up wrong. But nevertheless, I learned a lot from the internet for my algebra class.

Math was hard, no doubt! But it’s worth the learning.

1 comment:

  1. math...math...bla..blah.... who the f*** discovered it? i failed that subject when i was in college and in my jr years. damn!
