
March 11, 2008

Requiem of a Finished Journey!

“One of the most memorable events in my life was College. Ah, those were the good times, can’t believe that we could create that bond together – Francis.”

Indeed! It was one hell of a journey!

At the later time of our college years there gathered a number of unknown individuals looking for a great turn in life, strangers who shared the same goal – to pass college and walk the isle of graduation.

I was one of the mere faces of that group of individuals who seeks fun in the middle of the hectic schedule and traumatic stress brought to us by our final foe – IT 29. And because of this same foe, we became united, we became one.

We were always seeking joy in the middle of the doubtful feelings on whether or not we are going to pass our final foe. We were happy people, and because of this we share the same thoughts in having fun all the time regardless of the stance of our situation during those times.

We go to the beach as if there’s no problem. We drink, we drank, we got drunk, and we drink again as if there’s no tomorrow. We laugh, we scream out loud, we party as if we’re going to die the next day. We stroll, we sang though the song is out of tune most of the time. We enjoy, and we loved it. That’s how we escape reality. Then the next day is born, and the cycle begins once more.

On the other side of the story, we get back to reality. Hand in hand, we all faced our college judgment day, as what some refer to it. Some fell short, some over flew, and some crossed with flying colors. Despite that, we accept each others accomplishments and success, the same as equal to each others shortcomings and failures. That made us unique! That made us strong! That made us who we are right now.

I know there were unspoken words left for us, but I guess, right now, those words might be good unspoken rather than to be told. There were lots of things that we missed to do, but at least we did something. There were lots of opportunities to have fun, some we missed out, but at least we did enjoy some of them.

We started off as complete strangers, but we ended up comrades!

It is never too late for a friend to come and touch your life that would keep you buzzin for the rest of your lifetime.

Kageron for life!!!


  1. Kageron hahaha nindot kaayo pag ka express dah

  2. yeah..that's true.i've been to that also, even it's not easy to get a still we fight and fight.and prove that we deserves....
    basta ...grabeh jd ang ma experience if u are an one compares jd..ang "BONDING" naa jd na...hehehe...
